Common Springtime Well Water Issues and How to Treat Them
The arrival of spring signals the start of many things. Flowers are in bloom, trees begin to bud, and the days get longer and warmer. The onset of a new season can also mean new issues for your water supply, especially if you have a private well.
Across the nation, about 12 million households draw their drinking water from private wells. If your home is among those with a residential well, here are a few common springtime well water problems to look for and ways to alleviate them.
Salt Contamination
During the winter months, many roads are coated in salt or a salt and sand mixture. While a great defense against slick and slippery roads, salt easily dissolves in water and often finds its way into streams, lakes, and, eventually, ground water, which can lead to well water contamination as temperatures rise.
Road salt mixtures applied in regions with heavy snowfall often blend with snow when plowed from the roads. When these banks of snow melt, the salt mixture often migrates through the soil towards the water table, which is the top level of an underground surface of rocks or soil that’s permanently saturated with water. This can cause contamination in your well water. Runoff from large piles of uncovered salt may also lead to contaminated aquifers and wells.
If your well becomes contaminated with salt, there are systems you can install to restore the quality of your home’s water. Reverse osmosis (RO) systems, like our Eclipse® R.O., Impression Series® R.O., and UltroWater® utilize multiple filters to minimize unwanted contaminants affecting your well water. You may also want to consider having a new well installed that’s uphill and away from drainage.
Wet Weather and Agricultural Runoff
Another source of well water contamination linked to seasonal changes is agricultural runoff. Homeowners in climates with large amounts of precipitation are more likely to encounter this in their private wells. Agricultural runoff occurs when water used for irrigation leaves farm fields due to melted snow, rain, or irrigation. As it moves, the runoff picks up pollutants such as livestock waste, fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides used in nearby farm fields. These pollutants are then deposited into nearby lakes, rivers, and private wells. The more precipitation an area receives, the more likely agricultural runoff is to occur.
One way to alleviate this issue or prevent it from occurring is to be sure your well is located on high ground. Wells drilled too close to septic systems or farm facilities are the most likely to become contaminated with pollutants from wet weather runoff.
Numerous water treatment solutions exist to combat contaminants in your home’s water supply. Our Eclipse® R.O., Impression Series® R.O., and UltroWater® systems remove various chemicals and other pollutants from your well water, leaving you with clean water straight from the tap. You can also protect your household from bacteria and chemical runoff with the help of a UV water treatment system, like the Viqua Home™ Series.
Seasonal Odors
As the ground begins to thaw, you may notice a pungent odor coming from your water supply. Smelly well water can cause your entire home to reek like sewage or rotten eggs. Odorous well water is usually caused by hydrogen sulfide gas, otherwise known as H2S. Although it is usually only found in low concentrations when present in household water, even a small amount can be noticeable.
Sulfur isn’t likely to cause any health issues to homeowners, however, the smell can be a nuisance to residents and guests.
Water filters, like the Impression Plus Series® Air Sulfur Water Filter, WaterCare® Ion Pro® Air Sulfur, and Evolve® EVS eliminate the odor by using air-injection technology to oxidize sulfur, changing it to particle and making it easier to filter.
Have Your Water Tested
While public water systems are regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), private wells are the sole responsibility of the homeowner. Therefore, you must pay close attention to your well water to ensure great quality water for your household.
One way to make sure your water is crisp, fresh and, most importantly, safe is by having your home’s water tested by a licensed professional on a yearly basis. Many Evolve® and WaterCare® dealers offer well water testing services. Otherwise, our dealers can help you get in touch with local water testing professionals in your area.
Learn more about our various products below that help eliminate contaminants and unwanted chemicals in your well water to give you the best water quality possible.
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